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Based on a tip I got from teammate Darren Brooker, I checked out this TechSpot story (published on my 60th birthday):
Lilium GmbH is based near Munich, Germany — an internationally renowned high-tech hub for mobility. The founding team met while studying at the Technical University of Munich where they shared a common vision of revolutionizing the way we travel. Today, Lilium has attracted more than $100m in funding and employs more than 300 people, bringing together a wealth of experience and expertise from across the world. []
My favorite quote in the TechSpot story was:
"They [Lilium] see themselves as a Tesla meets Uber meets Boeing, as the pioneers of short-range versatile aircraft."
The big question is "Will it work?" Reading the comments on the TechSpot article, many are skeptical. What are your thoughts? Would you ride in this thing?
Electronic-based flight is alive in the lab.