As a DWF Technical Evangelist, I started blogging by supplying Shaan Hurley with guest articles that he would post on his blog, Between The Lines. On February 14, 2006, I started my own blog, Beyond the Paper, using Shaan's naming strategy where the emphasis was on DWF files and what you could do with them besides just printing. In this regard, we recently announced a new release of Autodesk Design Review.
When our team's DWF work grew into a more formalized presence for technology previews, I defected from the DWF-related blog to It's Alive in the Lab. I wrote my first article on April 10, 2007, entitled "It's alive. It's alive. It's alive." (an allusion to the original Frankenstein movie) which described our experiment-based, laboratory-oriented mission for previewing technology.
So, It's Alive in the Lab is 10 years old today. This is the 3,130th blog post. The focus is now on Autodesk Forge which is our platform that allows a community of developers to extend our web-based services.
Thanks to the Autodesk community whose readership keeps this blog going.
Gratitude is alive in the lab.