I live in the city of Alameda which is located in between Oakland and San Francisco. I was invited to an Alameda Transit and Transit Demand Management planning meeting. I shared what I learned:
I am on the board of our homeowner association. I am the treasurer. As an aside, I also designed, created, and maintain our association website as a hobby that lets me express my creativity.
The transit meeting made me realize that I was unaware of all of the transit (public like BART and private like Uber) options available in the Bay Area, particularly those around where I live. So I decided to make a list of them for our association website.
I had no idea that there is a private version of casual carpooling called Carzac. I guess it aims to be the Uber of casual ridesharing. Do any of you have any experience with this service? The Bay Area is truly blessed with lots of options. Thanks to our politicians who made this happen (the public ones) and the entrepreneurs (the private ones) who have stepped up to the plate to address a need.
Transit options are alive in the lab.