Project Kameleon is our free technology preview where you can try our new infrastructure model content authoring tools that are compatible with InfraWorks and AutoCAD Civil 3D.
- The technology preview includes a stand-alone .exe Parts Editor that enables authoring Inlets, Manholes, and Culverts.
- You can author Inlet Frames, Grates, and Underground Structures as separate part families and combine them to create Inlet Structure Assemblies.
- You can also author Culvert Barrels and End Treatments and combine them to create Culvert Assemblies.
- The part authoring workflow is tightly integrated with InfraWorks and includes the ability to post new part catalogs to InfraWorks models. Catalog conversion enables Inlet and Manhole Structure content to be used in AutoCAD Civil 3D.
- A built-in shape library allows you to author parts using an existing set of parametric shapes and supports extending the shape library using a stand-alone .exe Part Shape Modeler to author new Inventor IPT shape files that can be imported by the Parts Editor.
Earlier this month, I got a new build from the team and posted it to the Autodesk Labs site for download. Senior Content Engineering Manager, Craig Storms, let me know that based on your feedback so far, the new build now has:
- AutoCAD Plant 3D Pipe Catalog import routine now runs on most catalogs and specs without errors. There is one known issue that remains, with non-ASCII characters in Part Family names and Long Descriptions of Part Sizes. The workaround is to use the AutoCAD Plant 3D Catalog Editor to remove the offending characters, if they are found.
- Piping content "end type" filters have been generalized to allow shapes to be applied to more than one end type. For example "socket" type shapes can be used for grooved pipe connector part families.
- AutoCAD Civil 3D export of individual "Content Files" per Pressure Pipe part family has been added. This is useful for selecting a set of individual part families for export, and then importing them into an existing AutoCAD Civil 3D catalog.
- Drainage and Pressure Pipe content now include a display of Assembly Port and Pipe Connector vectors. This is useful in troubleshooting new part shapes, to validate the positioning of these vectors is updated as expected as the shape is resized. There is one known issue with the Surface Structure — Underground Structure assembly port being reversed in direction, however the positioning is correct and therefore useful even for this case.
- Drainage content images corrected to display grates and covers for Inlet and Access Structure assemblies.
- A new "Sweeper Curb Inlet" shape and sample Part Families & Assembly have been added, along with a cleanup of obsolete shape templates.
- Corrected the Catch Basin size error which prevented the original Project Kameleon tutorial from working as described. Now the sizes for the Underground Structure are found.
- Bridge part families now have the option to export-to-Revit, to help validate the shapes and sizes can be loaded in Revit prior to using them in InfraWorks models.
- Installer fix for Chinese Windows corrects a EULA filename error.
Thanks, Craig.
We look forward to your continued feedback on the technology. Existing project participants can get the new build now. If you have a previous build already installed, you should Uninstall it. For people who have yet to join, you have plenty of time to work with the technology as the free preview has been extended to May 15, 2016. Please try it and share your successes/failures/suggestions by emailing us at [email protected] or posting to the dedicated forum on the Autodesk Labs project.
Drainage infrastructure is alive in the lab.