The Autodesk fiscal year runs from February 1 through January 31. So we just completed FY16 and are now in FY17. Looking at the number of new, updated, retired, and graduated technology previews as documented on What's New, I see that FY16 was an active year for Autodesk Labs.
Autodesk serves a variety of industries in that we supply tools to help people imagine, design, and create places, things, and media organically or through traditional means:
- Architecture, Engineering, & Construction (AEC)
- Bionano
- Consumer
- Manufacturing
- Media & Entertainment (M&E)
If we look at the FY16 technology preview activity by industry, we see:
If history is any indication, you can expect technology preview activity on Autodesk Labs this fiscal year for all of these industries.
Thanks to the entire Autodesk Labs community for making our technology previews work. Your experience does indeed shape the future of our technology. Feedback is the key. Trying a technology preview, liking it but not telling us, is the same as not trying it. Your affirmation is what we use to determine if the technology retires or graduates to the next step.
Following the feedback is alive in the lab.