Here is a video related to our #AU2015 Hive project. The Hive is an architectural-scale pavilion woven together and built through human and robot collaboration. It was a team effort. Prior to AU at our Pier 9 office, my small contribution was to waterjet clean a few of the 3D printed light fixtures and assemble them.
The project could not have been accomplished without both humans and robots. The humans created the designs and set the bamboo poles in place for the robots. The robots did the repetitive task of the weaving. The humans then attached the resulting mini-structure to the overall structure. It's not a case of "Robots took our jobs!" It's a case of "Robots helped our jobs."
Thanks to all of the AU attendees who participated in this exhibit. What we learned from the collaboration was huge!
Symbiotic human-robot cooperation is alive in the lab.