"One — Red, the ruler seeking freedom
Two — Rose, the father seeking unity
Three — Orange, the thinker seeking understanding
Four — Yellow, the poet seeking harmony
Five — Green, the scientist seeking truth
Six — Blue, the disciple seeking goodness
Seven — Indigo, the artist seeking beauty"
—"The Seven Rays," Another Live, Utopia, 1975.
As someone who grew up in the 1970's, when I hear the word "harmony," I can't help but think of the song "The Seven Rays" by the band Utopia. The song is about "Yes, there are things that someone can accomplish individually, but there are other things that can only be accomplished through a collection of people with different talents." Our Project Harmony is like that. We have the development team that developed it. Now we need customers like you to evaluate it and give us your feedback.
Project Harmony for Simulation Moldflow is our free technology preview of a fully automatic Simulation Moldflow 3D mesher that can mesh a possibly invalid CAD model, i.e., has overlapping surfaces or small gaps between surfaces, and can automatically size the mesh elements based on local thickness and curvature. You can install this technology preview next to your commercial products so as not to affect your production workflow but be able to play with it. Project Harmony for Simulation Moldflow requires an existing Autodesk Simulation Moldflow license (2014 or later including flex).
The other day the team provided me with a new build. This build extends the technology preview until September 9, 2015.
Please let us know what you think of this technology at [email protected] or the discussion forum associated with the project.
Working together is alive in the lab.