Pictured: Shalom Ormsby, Heather Kerrick, Jonathan Knowles, Gavin Newsom
California Lieutenant Governor and former Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom (www.ltg.ca.gov) visited Autodesk for a briefing on our current areas of research and to learn more about the future of design, engineering, and manufacturing.
Pictured: Gavin Newsom and Jonathan Knowles
Autodesk Explorer and Director of Strategic Initiatives, Jonathan Knowles (autodesk.com/jonathanknowles), spent an hour with the Lieutenant Governor at our Pier 9 office discussing bio/nano/programmable matter and molecular visualization; the Spark open platform and it’s significance to the future of 3D printing; the future of subtractive manufacturing; the future of cities; the role of robots in our future and how they can help us; the use of Autodesk technology in paleoanthropology and paleontology; and our new Maritime Research and Development initiative including our work to better understand coral reefs and approach to sea level rise.
Pictured: Jonathan Knowles, Gavin Newsom, and Aaron Berliner
The Lieutenant Governor was deeply engaged and asked informed questions and made insightful observations. And he had a bit of fun on the Pier 9 zip-line and in the swing table conference room.
The Lieutenant Governor is alive in the lab.