"Feel the heat pushing you to decide
Feel the heat burning you up, ready or not
Some like it hot, and some sweat when the heat is on
Some feel the heat and decide that they can't go on
Some like it hot, but you can't tell how hot 'til you try"
—Robert Palmer, The Power Station, "Some Like It Hot," 1985.
Solar Analysis for Revit is our free technology preview that lets you visualize and quantify the distribution of solar radiation on various areas of a mass by taking into account the shading effects from adjacent objects, such as vegetation and surrounding buildings in an urban setting. Now you can quickly, easily, and iteratively perform solar analysis on the faces of a mass in Autodesk Revit. How useful is that? You tell us. It can also help with shading device design (effective strategies in blocking unwanted solar radiation) and aperture placement (allowing wanted solar radiation). Is that a plus or a necessity?
Join the project and be heard.
This technology preview was originally slated to end May 15 (tomorrow) but has been extended to September 15. There's no time like the present to start playing with it, put it through its paces, and tell us if the technology works for you or not. You have plenty of time to complete your evaluation during the preview.
Heat is alive in the lab.