I just got this from, Raymond Deplazes, Autodesk Public Relations Strategist. "What If We Could Design Wearables Right on Our Skin?" was published today by Wired, highlighting the work of Autodesk Research intern Madeline Gannon.
"When you create wearables, there's a lot of guesswork as to where the thing you’re making touches the skin," says Madeline Gannon, a researcher at Autodesk. How might we craft more personalized devices in the future? By removing the guesswork entirely. As Gannon puts it, "If you’re going to be designing things for the body, why not just design them on the body?" Gannon is exploring modeling techniques that use the human skin as their primary interface. Her prototype is called Tactum. Instead of creating free-floating models in software like CAD, Gannon's setup uses a Kinect camera and a projector to create a virtual modeling environment right on your hand.
Skin magazines are alive in the lab.