Tom Wujec is an Autodesk Fellow. Autodesk has been associated with the TED conference for years with the creation of galleries, exhibits, talks, dinners, workshops, book giveaways, and TEDx events. As a premiere thought-leadership event, it connects us with like-minded organizations and individuals. Tom and Jonathan Knowles coordinate our efforts for TED. In addition to his coordination efforts, Tom has given a few TED talks, one of which was about making toast.
As it turns out, how people visually represent "how to make toast" says a lot about how they view systems, and perhaps how they can tackle challenges in their own organizations. Who knew? Well, I guess Tom knew. He uses techniques like this when he works with Autodesk customers to address their workflow problems, often pointing out where Autodesk software can be of value.
Toasting is alive in the lab.