When I lived in Phoenix, Arizona and worked for Océ Reprographic Technologies, I had a personal license plate for my car.
While still in Arizona, I returned to working for Autodesk as a remote employee, so I got a new personalized license plate.
Alas in 2009 when I moved to California, some other resident already had AUTODSK. I considered ADSKLABS, but California only allows 7 characters. While renewing my auto registration in December 2014, I decided to treat myself for Christmas and spend the extra $50 for a personalized license plate. I got to visit the California DMV and pick it up the other day. In the tradition of OCE PHX, I went with ADSK SF for Autodesk San Francisco.
I recall how years ago, User Assistance Manager, Chris Blocher, sent me a picture of a plate he saw in New York.
Donnia Tabor-Hanson of AUGI fame sent me a picture of her Tennessee plate:
It's nice to know there are enthusiasts nationwide.
Personalization is alive in the lab.