Project Memento Champion Tatjana Dzambazova
Project Memento is our free Autodesk Labs technology preview of an end-to-end solution for converting any reality capture input (photos, scans) into high quality 3D mesh that can be cleaned up, fixed, and optimized for Web and mobile experiences, for further digital use or for fabrication.
Product Manager for Reality Solutions, Tatjana Dzambazova, is very active in the forum for Project Memento. A while back she posted this. I am sharing it with It's Alive in the Lab readers so those new to the technology preview can enjoy smooth sailing with the technology preview.
Throughout the testing of Project Memento, there have been many users reporting that their projects are stuck at certain percentage and that Project Memento is not responsive. In 9 out of 10 cases, the reason was because of the following:
- When you upload photos in Project Memento, they get stored in free cloud storage that you get from Autodesk when you register with Autodesk in one of the communities (such as Subscription or Autodesk Labs) using an email.
- That cloud storage can be viewed, and the projects can be managed (e.g., deleted) at Look under Documents.
- In almost all cases, the cloud storage was FULL, and Project Memento had no space to write the generated mesh file (and they are usually BIG).
So if you see that Project Memento is stuck, please go to, check the available space (lower left corner), and if needed go under your Documents, download those that you have already processed to liberate space, delete them, and make sure you DELETE the TRASH BIN. Some users have deleted projects but not the trash bin and thus their accounts were still full.
In the last update of Project Memento, we allow you to view the storage space and clean the bin from within the Project Memento interface (i.e., Dashboard). We will seek to improve the visibility of when your storage space is close to its limits.
Having said all of this, there ARE situations where the reason for Project Memento processing gets stuck due to other reasons, and we will look at them gladly together with you, but before logging the cases, please check that you have enough space. Sometimes it's all about that space.
Thanks Tatjana.
For those old and new in the technology preview, please keep the feedback coming in.
Space management is alive in the lab.