source: wikipedia
Who remembers this American TV commercial?
- You got chocolate in my peanut butter.
- You got peanut butter on my chocolate.
It was for Reese's Peanut Butter Cups that are a combination of peanut butter and chocolate.
Here we have a technology preview that is a combination of Dynamo and Robot Structural Analysis.
- I can run an analysis on my generated design.
- I can generate a design for my analysis software.
When I created the technology preview, I called it Dynamo Plug-in for Robot Structural Analysis. When the team created the package that can be downloaded from the package center, they called it Structural Analysis for Dynamo. But what's in a name? As Shakespeare once said, a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.
Dynamo Plug-in for Robot Structural Analysis is our free technology preview that allows designers and engineers to drive Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis from Dynamo. Dynamo Plug-in for Robot Structural Analysis helps designers to create parametric and complex structural frames models in Dynamo, submit it to Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis for simulation, and review the results returned from the analysis.
Software Architect, Emmanuel Weyermann, in our Design, Lifecycle, and Simulation team that is bringing you the technology preview, shared these images with me:
Dynamo is free. The Structural Analysis for Dynamo package is free. All you need to participate in the technology preview is Robot Structural Analysis 2015. If you don't have this, you can obtain a free trial. As such, there's no excuse for not giving this a try. So please give this technology preview a try and share your perspective at [email protected] or in the discussion forum associated with the technology preview.
Dynamic analysis is alive in the lab.