Project Arro was our technology preview designed to enable Autodesk Simulation Mechanical, Autodesk Simulation CFD, and Autodesk Simulation Moldflow users to rapidly simplify and prepare CAD for simulation. Project Arro read in native CAD geometry and neutral files, allowed users to modify them with many built-in direct modeling tools, and then wrote out simulation-ready CAD files that can be more easily and efficiently meshed.
The technology preview has ended. Thanks to everyone who participated. Since June of this year there have been five releases to Project Arro, each including changes motivated by your feedback. Below is an example.
Project Arro is now moving forward as part of Autodesk SimStudio, which you can try out as an Autodesk Simulation 2016 Beta tester. If you have any questions about the beta program, email the team at [email protected].
Graduation ceremonies are alive in the lab.