Project Scorch helps users perform fire simulations within a structure by using the NIST Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) to understand fire behavior within a building, such as smoke development and propagation, sprinkler behavior, and more. Project Scorch is a more efficient and easier to use front end for FDS from simulation set up and results exploration. True? Not true? You decide.
On Friday I posted a new build to the project. Thanks to your feedback so far, this new installer includes:
- Expires on February 19, 2015
- Improved CAD data importer
- A new project browser
- Improved mesher performance
- Improved isosurface performance
- Stability and performance improvements
So existing users can download and install the new build and let us know what you think about the improvements. For people who have not tried Project Scorch yet, it's never too late to join the project. Feedback can be provided to [email protected] or the discussion forum for the project.
A flammable update is alive in the lab.