The Daylighting Analysis for Revit technology preview free analysis period has been extended to March 31 or until in the event that a commercial version becomes available, whichever comes first. For the uninitiated, the Revit 2014 Daylighting Analysis (RDA) plug-in uses the Autodesk 360 Rendering cloud service to perform very fast and physically accurate daylighting analyses from within Revit. The RDA plug-in was specifically designed for architects to be able to use without learning the difference between the Perez or CIE's sky models, direct normal incident, or direct horizontal radiation.
You can go download the updated plug-in now:
Join Daylighting Analysis for Revit on Autodesk Labs.
Feel free to share your results with us at [email protected] or the forum on the Autodesk Labs site.
Radiance is alive in the lab.