Project Khan is our free technology preview where we partnered with Donya Labs AB to get your feedback on a new experimental plug-in for Maya that allows you to generate optimized versions of your 3D model assets on the Autodesk cloud. When we say asset optimization, we mean reducing: mesh complexity, texture complexity, and rig (bone) complexity. After installing the Maya plug-in (Windows only), you can configure an optimization job and securely execute that job on the Autodesk cloud, and then immediately download the optimized asset right in the Maya scene. We are eager to hear your thoughts on this combination of desktop modeling with cloud processing augmentation.
The latest update has the following new features:
- Maya can now be closed while jobs are queued and processed on the cloud.
- Edge sets and vertex color sets can now be used to modulate the level of optimization performed.
- Skinning is now supported in Proxy LOD (including Bone/Vertex Limit).
- Alpha texture sampling is now supported.
- Material bake weighting is now supported.
- The standard Maya controls can now be used in preview window.
You can download it now via Autodesk Labs on the Autodesk Feedback Community site:
Technology previews on Autodesk Labs are free. All we ask is that you give them a try and share your thoughts. You can reach the Project Khan team in a variety of ways.
Character growth is alive in the lab.