Project Dalton is our free technology preview of a 1D flow analysis tool that allows you to develop and analyze your complex piping systems and distribution networks. Project Dalton helps you understand how your systems will perform when subjected to different operating parameters and routing options. Project Dalton accepts PCF files as the way to import and describe your piping system. You are able to then set physical and operating parameters for your system and solve for a variety of results, including pressure, velocity, flow rate, mass flow rate, and Reynolds Number. Your results are presented graphically and are available for export and post processing via text files.
On Friday the team provided me with an updated build that I posted to the Autodesk Labs site. This update provides plug-ins for both Revit MEP 2014 and AutoCAD Plant 3D 2014. You can access the Dalton functionality from within the design applications with native Revit or Plant geometry without needing to export designs into PCF as the commands and results are available from within the applications. The new Project Dalton installer will install the stand-alone application as we'll as the plug-ins if those applications are found on the target system. They will be enabled as plug-ins accessible from the application Ribbon. In addition, minor bug fixes and improvements have been included for the stand-alone application. The new expiration date is May 27, 2014. You can download the new installer:
There's also a new video:
We make technology previews available via Autodesk Labs, so that we can get your feedback. We need affirmation for the technology to take the next step. Remember that downloading something, trying it, liking it, but not telling us, is the same as not trying it. You can reach us in a variety of ways:
Amelioration that is shaken, not stirred, is alive in the lab.