Design Night is open to the general public, It is an events program at the Autodesk Gallery. At each event, guests explore a different theme — such as biomimicry, light, or robotics — that challenges the conventionally narrow definition of design. The theme is reflected in all aspects of the event, from the activities guests enjoy to the food they eat to the music they hear. The result is a fun and fascinating venue for exploration, networking, and the exchange of ideas. So far we have had:
- September 6, 2012: Small is the Next Big Thing // more
- October 4, 2012: Public Interest Design // more
- November 1, 2013: Future of Transportation
- December 6, 2012: Leaps and Bounds // more
- February 7, 2013: Mother Nature: Celebrity Designer // more
- March 7, 2013: Illumination // more
- April 4, 2013: Robots // more
- May 2, 2013: Making It! // more
- June 6, 2013: Faster. Stronger. Tech-ier. // more
- August 6, 2013: Techno? Tech-yes. // more
- September 5, 2013: Designistas // more
- October 3, 2013: Designing wonder // more
On Thursday, November 7, 6-10 p.m., the Autodesk Gallery in San Francisco will host another Design Night: Can You Hack It?, where we will explore the design's impact on transforming an existing thing into something new. So get your hacker self over to Design Night and experience:
Trust us, Design Night is not crossing over to the dark side. We're not celebrating cyber sneaking. This kind of hacking is good, and it's taking the world by storm. Designers are taking things that already exist — from food to furniture to electronics to, well, just about anything — and combining them with other things to make altogether new creations. |
So come to Design Night if you're curious about transformative processes and what it means to be influenced by the future of design. Also enjoy an open bar, food, activities, and much, much more! The previous Design Nights have sold out quickly. Registration is required and ticket pricing is as follows:
- $25 General
- $20 Students
- $15 Autodesk Employees
Tickets go on sale in one hour. To attend the event:
Admission fees include admission to the presentation, as well as an open bar, food, music, and hands-on activities. The last six Design Nights have sold out in advance! So make sure to go to the event site in an hour.
Hacking is alive in the lab.