There's another issue of Innovation Edge, the Autodesk Labs newsletter, available for your perusal. This brief publication highlights technologies and utilities available on Autodesk Labs. Something people don't always know is that technology previews are free. All we ask is that you try them and give us feedback on your experience. This applies to subscription customers, non-subscription customers, and students.
Our aim is not SPAM anyone to death. Opt-in subscribers only receive 6 email messages in a calendar year — one every other month.
To receive the newsletter, you can subscribe:
Navigate to Autodesk Labs home page.
Sign in using your Autodesk Single Sign-on user ID and password.
Click on Newsletter link that appears in the upper right after signing in.
Check the box to opt in to receive the newsletter and click on Update.
The Autodesk Labs newsletter sending process will use the email address associated with your Autodesk account. As I mentioned, you will get one email message every other month. There is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each newsletter. One click, and you will be dead to me. :-)
As our opt-in page says, thank you for all of the downloads, site visits, email messages, forum postings, blog comments, and social media interactions. By the way, a list of all past newsletters appears on:
Electronic delivery is alive in the lab.