An announcement from Autodesk Research...
Software Development Manager, Thomas White, provided me with an updated Project Chronicle installer. I made it available for download via the Autodesk Labs web site. The Autodesk research team then made the corresponding changes to the Project Chronicle web site, so we're good to go. Recall that Project Chronicle is a free technology preview from Autodesk Research that makes it easy for AutoCAD (all flavors) and Revit users to capture, share, and learn from software workflows. Project Chronicle consists of a recording utility to capture recordings, and a web site that displays the recordings as Chronicles, interactive video tutorials.
In addition to new features (i.e., delete video sections, embed chronicles in your pages, share chronicles via groups, download your videos), this update contains some defect corrections based on your feedback. The Autodesk Research team is eager to continue to get your feedback on this technology. They would love to hear your stories of how you showed someone else what to do. There are a variety of ways to provide feedback.
eLearning is alive in the lab.