Some of your are familiar with our IDEAS program.
Our IDEAS program can be described as:
- An exploration of the role of design in fostering innovation.
- A discussion about design as a systematic approach to problem-solving and innovation — encompassing form, function, and performance.
- A high examination of trans-disciplinary challenges and opportunities about how design is contributing to addressing corporate and societal success.
- A catalyst for an ongoing dialogue and community engagement about design and innovation.
"Synthetic Biology and Programmable Matter are two emerging design paradigms
that apply computational technologies at the nano scale and beyond. Relatively
uncharted and full of promise, these emerging domains of study will inspire
designers to rethink the way they approach their work as well as reconsider the
nature of the problems they can address. The wildly diverse tools and technologies
will have a broad impact on many industries." Autodesk Fellow, Thomas Wujec, shared his notes with me from a recent IDEAS conference. Enjoy.
Download IDEAS_05_Infographic_Synthetic_Biology.pdf (5610.4K) |
Thanks Thomas.
Ideas are alive in the lab.