On a TV network long, long ago, Late Night with David Letterman used to come on around midnight. With the hour being so late, Dave would do funny things like jump into water wearing a suit made of Alka Seltzer tablets. He would also drop things off of a building or run them over with a steamroller. I really enjoyed watching him break things.
So I have a certain affinity for this month's ADN Plugin of the Month. ExplodeGeometry for 3ds Max. The plugin was developed by Principal Developer Consultant, Kevin Vandecar, who reminded me that exploding geometry comes in handy when creating various animated effects. For example, he likes to create an explosion effect after splitting meshes into individual faces. Louis Marcoux, one of our 3ds Max Application Engineers, developed a simpler script to help a customer, and this plugin comes from that idea and makes it more flexible.
// Download Explode Geometry for 3ds Max via Autodesk Labs
The plugin includes source code and is compatible with 3ds Max 2013. If you like, you can modify it to blow stuff up to your own liking. This may just inspire you to develop additional scripts of your own. You can let us know of your results at [email protected].
Explosions are alive in the lab.