For some time the Project Factory.Modz() technology preview has been available on Autodesk Labs. Project Factory.Modz() runs on the desktop and is a Physics Based technology preview for Factory Animation that lets you model your machine line layouts to articulate their working intent to your clients and stakeholders. Due to its graphical nature, sometimes it reminds me of The Simms.
Keeping with the factory theme, we have a new technology available on Autodesk Labs. Process Sim is another free technology preview of a discrete event simulation tool that helps you analyze your processes and how they work. You can build a logical model of your proposed assembly line, factory, or industrial machine, and simulate its operation to optimize performance based on design criteria. Unlike Project Factory.Mod(), Process Sim runs in the cloud.
Which do you prefer? Please try them both and let us know. You can reach us in a variety of ways.
Optimal production is alive in the lab.