This technology preview provides the missing Linc.
Have you ever wished you could visualize your factory floor in 3D before you configured it? Well if you download and try this technology preview, now you can.
Project Factory.Modz() is our free technology preview for factory animation where you can clearly articulate the working intent of your factory layout to your clients and stakeholders. The technology preview helps you to visually communicate your ideas by animating the movement of material and people inside your facility. It is easy to use and does not require CAD expertise.
// Download Project Factory.Modz() for Inventor via Autodesk Labs
Let's pretend you work for Southwest Airlines. Let's pretend you're in charge of getting luggage from the airplanes back to the passengers. Let's pretend that customers are regularly unhappy, because it takes too long. (OK, you don't have to pretend, just check in a bag and fly to Oakland.) With Project Factory.Modz(), you could model the baggage claim process and determine where the bottlenecks are. Imagine that. At Southwest bags may fly free, but claiming them adds 40 minutes to your trip. This only happens in Oakland. Other Southwest airports seem to do just fine.
Southwest Airlines employee or not, please try it and let us know your thoughts, criticisms, and suggestions at [email protected] or the discussion forum. Your experience shapes the future of our technology.
Preventing factory layout confusion is alive in the lab.