On the heels of the update of the Parametric Sliders add-in for Project Vasari, the team has provided two additional add-ins:
Automatically Update Export for Solar Radiation This WIP adds a check box to the Ecotect Solar Radiation tool to allow automatic update of an exported .csv file when analysis results are updated. |
Dynamo for Vasari Build parametric functionality on top of Vasari with a graphical user interface. Autodesk has extended the open source effort of Ian Keough by adding some additional nodes and packaging it in an installer for Vasari to make it easier to get up and running. The download also includes some sample workflows. |
This brings the total number of add-ins to 4. Please try these out and provide your feedback to [email protected] or the discussion forum. For more information on Project Vasari, please see the Autodesk Labs site:
// Project Vasari on Autodesk Labs
Addition is alive in the lab.