Though I don't play any instrument, can't dance, nor carry a tune, I have an appreciation for music. My life unfolds to a soundtrack that plays in my head. Patterned after a Rolling Stone article, I once described:
For the last 2 years, I have analyzed what I have listened to using the data from my iTunes XML file:
I thought I would keep the tradition going. By importing my iTunes data into Microsoft Excel, I found:
I listened to 1,348 different songs from 350 different albums by 172 different artists. That's down from last year since I listened to 1,691 songs. I must be spending more time in the lab.
The 10 artists with the most songs I listened to include (from most to least):
- Todd Rundgren
- Peter Gabriel
- Peter Frampton
- The Pursuit Of Happiness
- Paul Carrack
- Jackson Browne
- Led Zeppelin
- Sister Hazel
- Aerosmith
- The Tubes
Sister Hazel was a new addition this year.
Even though when I buy new music I practically play it to death when I first get it, most of the songs I listened to were released in 2010 (96 of them) and 2009 (95 of them) instead of 2011 (85 of them).
The oldest song I listened to was "In The Still of the Night" by The Five Satins which was released in 1956 - three years before I was born. To encourage more variety this year, I created a smart playlist called not this year:
This should help me listen to songs once and avoids bringing up Christmas music randomly throughout the year.
The shortest song was only 3 seconds long "SynthTwinkleIntro." Peter Gabriel provided the bits that makeup "Games Without Frontiers" as part of a remix pack. In addition to listening to them, I converted some of them to ringtones. The longest song was Kraftwerk's "Autobahn" at 22 minutes and 43 seconds. By the way, my average song is 3 minutes and 29 seconds.
Rock, Alternative Rock, and Pop comprise most of what I listen to:
Music critics contend that 2011 was the year of the female vocalist. Let's test that theory. If my listening habits are representative of the population:
Since I don't own any Lady Gaga albums, I am probably not representative of the population.
If you copy all of the song titles from Excel and paste them into Wordle, you get a word cloud that looks like:
If you paste that same data into WriteWords, you can exact stats:
Count Word 198 the 100 you 80 of 73 i 63 in 61 to 57 love 57 a 46 on 46 it
For the third year in a row, analyzing personal listening habits by massaging data is alive in the lab.