For the vast majority of users, a Project Spark install works fine; however we have received a handful of reports where the content files do not install correctly. To avoid requiring another full download and install, we have created a separate download for this situation. You can obtain the full Project Spark content or just the template files if that is all you need.
To obtain content for Project Spark:
Download the zip file containing the content and copy it to the directory where you would like to have your content (for example, you can keep it under My Documents).
There are two choices for download. Pick one:
The full content is ~390MB, but the templates are only ~14MB. Choose which best suites your needs.
Extract all of the files. This will create a directory Project Spark Content with several directories underneath it.
In Project Spark, go to the options dialog as shown here:
In the file locations tab, select a default template from the templates directory you created. The Getting Started Guide is based on the Spark_USI_Default.rte template. Also, you can optionally select a path for family templates.
Finally, you can use the places button to tell Project Spark where to look for families by default. You would want to select either Project Spark Content\Libraries\US Imperial or Project Spark Content\Libraries\US Metric.
Completeness is alive in the lab.