The eTransmit feature of AutoCAD gathers up all of the files associated with a drawing, i.e., DWG, XREFs, images, font files, packages them up, and makes them easy to send to another person or group. Feeling a bit of eTransmit envy and not to be outdone, the Revit team has created eTransmit for Revit as our newest technology preview. You can read more about it on Autodesk Labs. eTransmit for Revit on Autodesk Labs As we do with some these technology previews, we start small and then widen the circle. To ensure the best experience for those participating, this technology preview is currently limited to: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom, and United States. We hope to expand to other geographies in the future. |
This feature should come in handy for internal archiving, sending deliverables to clients, model exchange between consultants/partners, model cleanup, and sharing models between disciplines. Let us know if this is or is not the case at [email protected] or the Revit Architecture discussion forum.
BIM transmission is alive in the lab.