On April 9 a group of Autodesk employees volunteered their time for Habitat for Humanity. Among them were Autodesk Labs own Frederic Loranger, Gyorgy Ordody, and John Schmier. You can see all of the pictures at:
7555 Mission Street on SmugMug.com
Though Frederic has been a driving force on Project Twitch, he looks dangerous with that saw.
Though Gyorgy (pictured on the right) is a software engineer, he really looked the part.
John answered the age old question “If I had a hammer…”
photo source: Julia J.
Ah the tools of the trade – food and a hammer.
They really helped out building housing for low-income families. Uniformity is a thing of beauty.
At Autodesk we applaud efforts like these. Thanks guys.
Helping out is alive in the lab.