Yesterday Kean Walmsley and the Dev Techs provided me with an updated Clipboard Manager for AutoCAD. Recall that the Clipboard Manager for AutoCAD was the October 2009 Autodesk Developer Network (ADN) plugin of the month. The Clipboard Manager can be used with AutoCAD to manage multiple clipboard entries - storing and renaming them for later use.
Download Clipboard Manager for AutoCAD from the ADN Plugin of the Month Catalog Page
When the ADN team makes an update, the Read Me for each plugin of the month documents the changes. For this update:
- Demand-loading was changed when creating the Applications key to support products such as AutoCAD Electrical.
- A previewing capability was added.
- Auto-cropping for the preview image was added.
- An Export to DWG capability was added.
- Fixed crash when temp folder was not cleared.
- Focus was set back to AutoCAD to avoid requiring an extra click.
Keeping that plugin of the month train rolling is alive in the lab.