The deadline for submitting entries has passed - September 24, 2010. Thanks to everyone who put Project Photofly through its paces. For those who uncovered problems with the Photo Scene Editor in pursuit of the contest: thank you, thank you, thank you. Technology previews are all about collecting customer feedback - the good, the bad, and the frustrating. Your test cases will help us improve the technology.
The entries that were officially submitted included (in no particular order):
The judges are reviewing the submitted materials against our contest criteria as expressed in the rules. We will announce a winner as soon as they reach a decision. Once again - thanks to all who entered or gave Project Photofly a try. Our plan is to hold additional contests for photo scenes of more than just buildings, so if you want to get started now, the first step is to download and install the Photo Scene Editor.
download of Photo Scene Editor for Project Photofly from Autodesk Labs
Judging is alive in the lab.