At the end of August my wife, Sheryl, and I visited our daughter, Stephanie, in Chicago. Stephanie works in Public Relations for the Allstate Insurance Company. As part of our visit Stephanie treated us to a tour of Chicago that features its architecture. The tour was by boat along the Chicago River. Having just finished the Bay Bridge Seismic Safety tour by boat, I guess it's just my thing to view structures aquatically.
The tour was sponsored by the Chicago Architecture Foundation - a non-profit organization that educates the public on Chicago's architecture. Local docents volunteer tio give the tour. As an Autodesk Gallery Ambassador, I have an appreciation for what these volunteers do; however, the amount of information these docents need to memorize (building name, opening date, style, architect name, construction company, etc.) was staggering, and there are about 500 of these people.
I have posted some pictures on my Facebook page:
Chicago Architecture Tour pictures
Appreciating form and function is alive in the lab.