I have been a fan of Tesla Motors ever since I first read about the Tesla Roadster back in my Beyond the Paper blogging days. In case you have not heard of Tesla yet, their goal is to produce affordable electric cars for mainstream buyers. So I was disappointed when the initial price for their roadster was about $100,000. Despite the cost, the true allure of these vehicles is that they accelerate faster than most sports cars yet produce no emissions.
As a fan I am thrilled that a new electric car from Tesla Motors, the Model S, will begin a one-year exhibition at the Autodesk Gallery at One Market. At approximately 10 a.m. on Sunday, the Model S was lifted into the building’s second floor gallery through one of the arched windows and rolled onto the exhibit floor. Many Tesla and Autodesk employees (including me) were among the people who watched.
The Autodesk Gallery at One Market is open to the public every Wednesday from noon to 5:00 p.m., with a guided tour at 12:30 p.m. Visit us. Come check out all of the exhibits including the Model S.
Facebook Photo Album of Tesla Model S addition to gallery
When it comes going ga ga over electric vehicles, it's alive in the lab.