Before we went on our company furlough, Software Development Manager, Mark Webb, provided me with an update to the Solar Radiation Technology Preview. I updated the installer on the Autodesk Labs site. I am just now getting around to posting this blog article about it. Boy is my face red.
This is an update to the Autodesk Solar Radiation Technology Preview for Revit 2011, fixing a number of important issues. If you have already installed the previous technology preview, you will need to uninstall that version before installing this version.
According to Mark, this update includes the following fixes based on your feedback:
- No longer clears out Revit shared parameters.
- Solar Radiation now works across multiple Revit sessions.
- Solar Radiation now updates when changing Design Options.
- Analysis results are correctly cleared if the design changes when the Solar Radiation dialog is not open.
So see if the new version shines for you and let us know at [email protected].
Following the release, feedback, release cycle is alive in the lab.