We recognize that some of our customers work in mixed environments. Many of you may receive Catia data from partners and need to work with that data in Autodesk Inventor. So our latest technology preview is a mesh enabler:
This technology preview allows you to import "dumb" Catia Graphical Representation files (V4 and V5) and convert the data to "intelligent" Inventor base features. Once you have the data as an Inventor feature, you can then leverage all of the capabilities of Inventor. From this technology preview, we would like to learn a few things:
- Is this a capability that you would use often?
- Did your data set import correctly?
- Were there any limitations in what you could do with the data after it was converted?
You can let us know at [email protected]. (I have a request into our web team to have a discussion forum created.)
Looking for feedback on data conversion is alive in the lab.