For those paying close attention to the what's new section of the Autodesk Labs home page, you might have seen that:
The other day Kean Walmsley updated the DWF/PDF Batch Publish plugin. I updated the download available on the Autodesk Labs site.
Free Download of DWF/PDF Batch Publish for AutoCAD via Autodesk Labs
According to Kean's read me, he: modified the code to work in AutoCAD 2011 via PublishExecute, added support for the plugin when output file paths contain spaces, added an option to exclude modelspace layouts during publish, changed the cursor to an hourglass during long operations, and upgraded the project to Visual Studio 2008. Since the source code comes along as part of the download, you can check out the details behind these changes for yourself.
The preview, feedback, update, preview process is alive in the lab.