Project Krypton for Inventor and SolidWorks is our newest addition to Autodesk Labs. Project Krypton for Inventor and SolidWorks is a technology preview that provides near real-time assessments regarding manufacturing, cost, and plastic material impact integrated within the application. No separate application. It's all right there - like a dashboard for your plastic injection molding work. When you drive a car, you don't concentrate on the dashboard. You look at the road and steer. The Project Krypton Technology Preview is similar. You continue to work as you would normally do. Project Krypton provides on-going feedback via indicators that you might normally ignore; however, much like a check engine light, when you make a change that impacts the design, Project Krypton provides you with an alert. Take it for a test drive:
Project Krypton gives Inventor 2011/2010, Inventor LT 2011/2010, and SolidWorks 2010 users designing plastic products real-time feedback related to the impact of design decisions on the design’s overall manufacturability, cost efficiency, and environmental impact of the material.
Alerts and highlighting of design features help users pinpoint problems with designs and provide guidance on how to resolve those problems.
This Project Krypton posting to Labs includes some videos available on YouTube. For those without YouTube access, you can use these links:
- Overview ( 32.15MB)
- Guitar Demo (Krypton.wmv 7.46MB)
- Narrated Introduction ( 44.4MB)
So please test drive Project Krypton and let us know what you think at [email protected]. You have until November 20, 2010 to do so. Don't delay.
Using simulation technology to take heads up design feedback to a whole new level is alive in the lab.