Way back in May 2007, I opined that a Wiki for help documentation would be a good idea. Many of you liked the idea. Senior Product Manager for Customer Learning, Victor Solano, let me know that the Autodesk Wiki Help beta now offers a collaborative community learning experience to users of the following 2011 Manufacturing products:
- Autodesk Inventor // more
- AutoCAD Electrical // more
- Autodesk Inventor Fusion Technology Preview // more
- Autodesk Inventor Publisher // more
This means you can:
- Directly edit Help pages
- Contribute and Share Videos
- Add New Help pages and articles
- Add comments to content pages
- Rate content and influence the search rankings
- Tag content to make information easier to find
- Browse and Search content across multiple products
- Email forward tool for topics
- Subscribe to RSS feeds
The features of the Wiki include:
- WYSIWYG Editor: Users can easily contribute content with a familiar rich text editor.
- Rich Media and Web Extension Integration: Video streaming from YouTube and Web extension integration with Web widgets such as Twitter, Flickr, digg, LinkedIn, and Dapper.
- Share Video from and stream to popular social media sites like iGoogle and MetaCafe.
- Editable video: Users can share videos and can optionally make these editable, allowing others to create a video storyboard with the integrated editing studio.
- Security and Permissions: Autodesk can create and manage user groups and users with different permissions to view, edit, and share content.
- Subscribe to content via feeds and email notifications
- Moderation: Moderators insure compliance with Wiki Guidelines and publish content only after review.
- Autodesk.com look and feel for easy integration with Autodesk Community sites like the MFG Community site.
- User Profile Reuse: Users can use their profile information and autodesk.com login through single sign-on.
This release represents an exciting step toward greater learning collaboration between Autodesk and its product end users. So get involved. Participate and Co-create!
Allowing the voice of many to be heard by many is alive in the lab.