Piping Design Tecnology Preview Download Form
Yesterday I shared some download data for Inventor Fusion Technology Preview. The data was broken down by country. This was easy to do because the download process for Inventor Fusion includes a form that each user fills out where he or she identifies his or her country. People seemed to like yesterday's post, so I thought I would look at the data from the download form for the Piping Design Technology Preview.
Free Download of Piping Design Technology Preview via Autodesk Labs
This form did not ask the user to specify country, so I looked at the data using first names. The top 10 first names of the people who have downloaded the Piping Design Technology Preview are:
10. Petr
9. Ionel
8. Nenad
7. Incheol
6. Andrew
5. Ben
4. John
3. Michael
2. Scott
And the most frequent first name for Labs visitors who have downloaded the Piping Design Technology Preview is:
1. David
I know tallying by first name is of no value. The real point of these download forms is to get the user's name and email address so we can contact users who "opt in" for more pinpointed feedback. Getting this information also provides us with an opportunity to contact users when technology previews end. This was recently done for the Inventor Publisher Technology Preview team since the technology preview will cease to operate on April 1. The Piping Design Technology Preview will end on June 30.
We know users do not enjoy filling out forms. We get it; however, the ability to contact our dedicated early adopters who help shape our technology is valuable to us. So rather than have you fill out a form each and every time you download a technology or utility from Autodesk Labs, we're going to have you login instead. Your Autodesk Labs User ID and Password are the same as your login for other communities like Subscription, Manufacturing, Student, etc.
So don't be surprised one day when the download process asks you to log in. This is better for both of us. We can use other tools like SiteCatalyst or Google Analytics to get statistics by country. This way we don't have to ask you where you live as part of each download. You can provide that information once as part of your Autodesk Single Sign-on to all of your community activities - including Labs.
Looking to make our relationship more personal is alive in the lab.