I like posting videos to YouTube. It opens the information up to a wide audience - a wider audience than those who might visit the Autodesk Labs web site. Making the videos available via YouTube allows people to view the videos using streaming - downloading bits of the video as it is viewed. On the other hand, some companies block access to YouTube. They want to ensure that employees are not wasting time watch non-work-related videos. So for people in this situation, I have posted the raw videos to my Buzzsaw site. These lack the music provided by YouTube's "audio swap" capability, and you have to download the whole video to watch it, but you can get the information. For those without YouTube access, you can download them from my Buzzsaw site one at a time using Firefox or more than one at a time using Internet Explorer. You can do a right-click Save Target As on the non-YouTube hyperlinks that follow.
Overview Video
YouTube: Overview
Non-YouTube: Publisher_Overview_Video.wmv
How To Videos
YouTube: Auto Annotate and Annotation
Non-YouTube: Auto_Annotate_and_Annotation_Layouts.avi -
YouTube: Auto Explode
Non-YouTube: Auto_Explode.avi -
YouTube: Callout
Non-YouTube: Callout.avi -
YouTube: Creating A New Document
Non-YouTube: Creating_a_new_document.avi -
YouTube: Create Custom PowerPoint
Non-YouTube: Creating_custom_powerpoint_template.avi -
YouTube: Preview Custom Styles
Non-YouTube: Custom_Styles.avi -
YouTube: View Snapshot
Non-YouTube: Detail_View-Snapshot.avi -
YouTube: View Storyboard
Non-YouTube: Detail_View-Storyboard.avi -
YouTube: View Transition
Non-YouTube: Detail_View-Transition.avi -
YouTube: Image Annotation
Non-YouTube: Image_Annotation.avi -
YouTube: Move Tool
Non-YouTube: Move_Tool.avi -
YouTube: Play Presentation
Non-YouTube: Play_Presentation.avi -
YouTube: Publish PowerPoint
Non-YouTube: Publish_ Powerpoint.avi -
YouTube: Publish AVI
Non-YouTube: Publish_AVI.avi -
YouTube: Publish DWF
Non-YouTube: Publish_DWF.avi -
YouTube: Publish Flash
Non-YouTube: Publish_Flash.avi -
YouTube: Publish Image
Non-YouTube: Publish_Image.avi -
YouTube: Publish Word
Non-YouTube: Publish_Word.avi -
YouTube: Pull Tool
Non-YouTube: Pull_Tool.avi -
YouTube: Reverse Storyboard
Non-YouTube: Reverse_Storyboard.avi -
YouTube: Scope Edit
Non-YouTube: Scope_Edit.avi -
YouTube: Update to Inventor Data
Non-YouTube: Update_to_Inventor_data.avi -
YouTube: View Cube
Non-YouTube: View_Cube.avi -
YouTube: Visual Modification
Non-YouTube: Visual_Modification.avi -
YouTube: Working with DWF Data
Non-YouTube: Working_with_DWF_Data.avi -
YouTube: Working with Inventor Data
Non-YouTube: Working_with_Inventor_Data.avi
Making sure everyone can come to the video party is alive in the lab.