Yesterday's post Inventor Publisher Videos Now Available for the YouTube-blocked population got such positive results that I am writing about the same thing I had done for Inventor Fusion. The request for the Inventor Fusion Technology Preview videos in the non-YouTube variety was logged in the Inventor Fusion discussion forum, For those without YouTube access, you can download them from my Buzzsaw site one at a time using Firefox or more than one at a time using Internet Explorer. You can do a right-click Save Target As on the non-YouTube hyperlinks that follow.
You-Tube: Change Manager
Non-YouTube: Fusion Change Manager Final.avi -
YouTube: Dimension Driven Body Constraints
Non-YouTube: inventor_fusion_video_dimension_driven_body_constraints.wmv -
YouTube: Direct Modeling
Non-YouTube: inventor_fusion_video_direct_modeling.wmv -
YouTube: DWG Interoperability
Non-YouTube: inventor_fusion_video_dwg.wmv -
YouTube: Feature Finder
Non-YouTube: inventor_fusion_video_feature_finder.wmv -
YouTube: Flexible Product Structure
Non-YouTube: inventor_fusion_video_flexible_product_structure.wmv -
YouTube: Heads Up Design Modeling
Non-YouTube: inventor_fusion_video_heads_up_design_modeling.wmv -
YouTube: Heads Up Sketching
Non-YouTube: inventor_fusion_video_heads_up_design_sketching.wmv -
YouTube: Imported Data
Non-YouTube: inventor_fusion_video_imported_data.wmv -
You-Tube: Loft
Non-YouTube: Fusion Loft Final.avi -
YouTube: Overview
Non-YouTube: Autodesk Inventor Fusion Technology Preview-Overview video.mp4 -
YouTube: Smart Patterns Holes Fillets
Non-YouTube: inventor_fusion_video_smart_patterns_holes_fillets.wmv -
YouTube: Unrivaled Ease of Use
Non-YouTube: inventor_fusion_video_unrivaled_ease_of_use.wmv
Continuing to make sure everyone can come to the video party is alive in the lab.