[Brian Mathews here as a guest writer while Scott Sheppard is on sabbatical]
Originally when we launched Project Twitch (internet delivery of Application Trials), we had a requirement that participants be within 1,000 miles of our Santa Clara data center. Our intent was to provide a desktop-like experience of doing a product trial of AutoCAD, Inventor, or Revit.
Now we have eliminated the 1,000 mile limit and replaced it with a network latency limit. We have found that some people up to 2,500 miles away had network latencies that were better than people only 900 miles away. So rather than base our requirement on distance, we are now using a more useful network test to measure your actual network latency to our data center. The further you are from Santa Clara, the less likely the system will allow you in: but some of you will succeed.
This is the reason for Autodesk Labs: we want your feedback to help us improve the service for you!
If you haven't been able to try Project Twitch before, take 2 minutes out of your day and see if it lets you connect. Take it for a spin. Let us know what you think and send us an email at [email protected] Thanks!
[Update: ...and the answer is "no", you can't connect because I typed in the wrong URL! I've now fixed it, sorry.]