Todd Rundgren in concert. Photo courtesy of Tim Barrios.
I just got back from Akron, Ohio where my wife, friends, and I attended a concert where Todd Rundgren performed his A Wizard, A True Star album in its entirety. One of the songs is titled "Is It My Name" which covers the musician's struggle with his record company to get his albums promoted. Rundgren is a Swedish name that means "round branch," and is not the easiest word for the record-buying public to pronounce nor remember.
So imagine my sense of coincidence when I return to work to receive the following comment on my blog:
Dear Scott,
It's good that Autodesk listens to their customers, so let's see how fast you can fix this: The names of the installers are wrong. I tried the Fabrication_2010.msi installer and that seems to be the installer for the 2009 version. Some others are also wrong... Why is it called Fabrication anyway? Nevertheless, keep up the good work!!
In response, the iCopy team created new installers which I zipped up and placed on the site. The ZIP file now contains:
You can now download the new zip file with the aptly named installers at:
So yes I guess the problem was our name. To quote Kenan Thompson from Saturday Night Live, "It has been fixed!"