Since we were on a company furlough from August 31 through September 7, Kean Walmsley and I decided to get the September ADN Plugin of the Month ready a few days early. As a result I posted it to the Autodesk Labs site a few days early - August 27. Lo and behold that when I got the download statistics for August, the only-days-old plugin has been downloaded 64 times. This was a welcome surprise since Kean's and my respective articles didn't appear on our blogs until September 1. So some of you found the new utility simply by navigating around the Autodesk Labs site. Well done.
This got me to look at the download statistics for the year.
You can see that the popular items are: Google Earth Extension, Inventor Fusion, Inventor LT (which has since graduated), 2D to 3D Tool for Inventor, and Feature Recognition for Inventor. These heavy hitters aside, it's nice to see some of the smaller utilities like the Offset in XREF plugin of the month getting some action. The feedback provided on all of our tools helps shape their future.
Looking back across the year is alive in the lab.