Michele Bousquet reports that the Revit Market catalog, TurboSquid, recently made it to 2500 Revit families for sale, by users and for users. Here is the press release:
When she started Revit Market six months ago, Michele surveyed users extensively about what they wanted. Hands down, they wanted good stuff that flexed right, but also a quality guarantee if they were going to spend money. That translated into the TurboSquid Certification program which has been very successful. Now that they have 2500+ assets, Michele would like to invite all Revit users to come and have a look at their catalog.
Incidentally, Michele also mentioned that Entourage items are the big sellers. Though some doors and windows sell, the biggest business is with furniture, plants, and decorative accessories.
We at Autodesk Labs love it when something that started on labs, Content Search alpha, blossoms into production, Autodesk Seek, and grows to include partnerships (TurboSquid). It all started with your feedback. Thanks for shaping the ecosystem around Revit.