Project Freewheel is our experimental version of Freewheel. We are currently using it as a means to get feedback on a software as a service based approach to collaboration. Think of it as Autodesk Design Review without the install or an Autodesk Design Review that runs on the Mac and Linux.
Autodesk Freewheel is our production version of the service. It allows you to view design data on platforms that Autodesk Design Review does not reach, i.e. Mac and Linux.
3D/2D ShareNow is a utility that allows you to share your designs using Project Freewheel with just one click. While working with your design in AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit, or Design Review, you can instantly publish a DWF to Project Freewheel. Once in Project Freewheel, you can use its collaboration features for a real-time or anytime electronic review process.
With the brief Autodesk Freewheel outage last Monday, many of you were kind enough to contact us when you encountered an error. As a follow up, we'd like to hear your Freewheel stories. Are you using Autodesk Freewheel or Project Freewheel? Do you use ShareNow? Should ShareNow also publish to Autodesk Freewheel in addition to Project Freewheel? What are your thoughts? Please let us know at [email protected].
Listening to user input is alive in the lab.