Despite my earlier blog posting, Product Design Manager, Dirk Ruiz, is still looking for a few good men and women. He would like to get your thoughts regarding interoperability between Navisworks Freedom and Autodesk Design Review.
As part of this, we’re kicking off a user research effort. We’re looking to interview both Navisworks and Autodesk Design Review users in the Bay Area. In particular, if you are a Bay Area Autodesk Design Review user and can sign up for a 90-minute on-site interview, we'd be so happy. The interviews will be conducted in the first two weeks of June. We will compensate our participants for their efforts: $150 for the 90-minute session.
If you would like to participate, please contact [email protected]. I will forward the messages to the team. You can help shape the future of collaborating with design data. Thanks.
Still looking for volunteers for in-depth feedback is alive in the lab.