Bird in the wild: Birds in the trees are often hard to see, but if you look hard enough, you can find them.
We love it when we get email about how customers are using Project Freewheel. Like last month, this month we received:
From: LenTech Services
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 1:27 PM
To: Labs.Freewheel
Subject: Happy with Project Freewheel
I just wanted to let you know that Project Freewheel turned out to be the perfect solution for showing sample drawings on my newly developed website. After numerous attempts at finding a solution for showing the drawings, none were really satisfactory. I then came upon Project Freewheel, and once I figured out how to integrate it into my web site (this was my first attempt at creating web pages), which was not difficult, my problem was solved.
Check out the design that is integrated into his site:
Although Len was new to creating web pages, note how Len used the &mode=ViewOnly parameter. By doing this, you can see Len's design but cannot use the File menu to open a different design. This is exactly what this parameter was intended for. Way to go Len.
For this blog posting I included a thumbnail of Len's design using Project Freewheel.
This was done with one line of HTML:
<img height=180 alt=sample src="
path=" width=200>
If Len updates his design, the image in this blog posting will automatically update. How cool is that? For more information on the parameters available when working with Project Freewheel, see the developer page.
If you are using Project Freewheel, please drop us a line at [email protected].
Once again appreciating Project Freewheel as it appears "in the wild" is alive in the lab.